Enneagram Life is all about sharing current information and showing using the typology called the Enneagram. I’m not going to go into the genius of the Enneagram again, but if you really want to know some important history to it, go here.
My goal for this blog is keeping it simple! Why can’t the Enneagram be simple, easy and accessible for everyone? I believe it’s been this hidden gem that only a select few have access. To me that’s ridiculous. Education and information breathes power to the many. That has always been my goal when sharing my point of view about this system.
I will be talking more about this through the lens of the Enneagram Six. Why? I know myself, and I think I have a unique perspective about the Enneagram and how I see life.
What Will Enneagram Life Discuss?
I love culture. I live politics and self-help topics. I want to make a difference in the lives of others. Why not share how the Enneagram can be used for good. Think of it as an online support group. I will be the peer-to-peer facilitator sharing an Enneagram Six perspective, that will make you think and use it in practice that might make a transformation in your life.
If you have a particular question you would like to know about the Enneagram, shoot me an email on my contact form and I will get back to you in 24-72hrs.
Thanks for coming to this site and wanting to give the Enneagram a try and learn more about the motivations of others in your life. My goal is to help myself and others create richer, stronger relationships in life, along in business and throughout our community.
Reach out to me on one of my social networks