This podcast has been archived from our old podcast platform. We are now on Anchor and will be starting in a new direction.
This was recorded on August 12, 2018
Ingrid Stabb, (Your Type Advantage, and author of The Career Within You: How To Find The Perfect Job For Your Personality) and I join forces monthly as we talk about the Enneagram from a perspective of daily living. We will tap into the motivations behind the headlines in pop culture, politics, and news, along with educating Enneagram Life’s audience on self-help topics and careers. We are just getting started, so if you have suggestions on topics you would like us to tap into, drop me a line on my contact form.
Adrienne McCue shares her 20+ years on the Enneagram, talking about the Motivation behind the “Why” and keeping Enneagram simple in today’s pop culture: along with helping others see themselves and, hopefully, people in your life.
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